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Monday, September 21, 2009

i had quite a happy week cos i manage to wat i plan to do and meet up with quite a few people.
went to watch ke wei sing on thur nit with my cousins & Jey and its lovely night!

and meet up with ms tan! and my dear friends! on fri.
see PEILIN finally too! after a month of itp! hahahx
but its quite a short nit, so cant wait for tmr gathering again! xD

2nd, i mange to give that little surprise i plan! hahahx
but really sorry to let u wait for my reply and drag till so late then meet up for that short while, but really hope u like the surprise cake! (:

sat is a wonderful night too! cos i had a good good dinner at home with my cousin & 1 of his friend competing their cooking.
so had prawns, salmon (both raw & cook) and even scallop and pasta! hahahx!
they are really so good it look and taste like some 5 stars hotel quality lolx! hahahx

Sunday, September 13, 2009

here is a dedication to our MR JOJO JO CHUA!!!!

and welcome to our 20 club!!! hahahx.

so hope u stay cheerful, crazy and fun loving always!!!! ((((((:

i really donoy i start to question my heart&hesitate suddenly only after seeing...
but there are so much times that i wish & wanted it to happen,
but y am i feeling this way now, i really dono )):
i feel so shallow of myself & really bad gal ))):

Saturday, August 29, 2009

its finally friday alr!
cos it means no work tmrl!!!!

i think i shall not say much abt my work place or anything that i experience just in this short week cos they are too much & long to be mention and im lazy to type them down here again,
so those i want to tell or share, most prob alr know abt it too!

but its like after the first day, i feel like
y cant it be the last day of work alr! hahahx (cos i always prefer going to sch)
and time always pass so slow in work,
but that sucks when u don have a chance to slack too!
and going to work makes me cant do anything after work too, cos some day by the time i end work is like 10+ pm, then i have to leave joo chait, bk to outram again! long distant also!
so by the time i reach home,
e thing i will do is eat, bath, and take down some of the stuff& time to go slp alr,( but always ended up at 2am also).
if not i will end up having not enough of slp and cant wake up the next morning!

but anw, i have conquer my first week!!!
and so happy that its sat tmrl!!!
i don care, i think im just going to enjoy or rest or have fun myself tmr!!!
so people, pls find me out on weekends or any other weekdays for dinner too!
cos that will be the motivation for me to go work everyday! (:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

POD 1 finally handed in already,

and its like dono how long, (at least 8 months) that i last went to tampinese!
went to grace house first then to peiyun house to overnit and stay up e whole nit to do pod, all the way till next day 4pm then finally handed up.
felt like some super woman like that, cos we really all stay up and not a single time is spend resting at all!
i think the 2 cups of milk tea did keep me awake alittle too. ahahx
but i was very satisfy with it still ):
cos everything is like so last min, and so many things happen in between,
and esp some ....... that really piss me off for the first time ever!!!
but not in e mood to go think abt it anymore.

so now can only wait after tue presentation and see what to do to make changes to become better i hope.

and i would like to thank all the people who had help in for my pod.
really really appreciate! (((:

and its weird when im busy, there will be and feel so much things to blog, but when i finally got the time now, i suddenly lost in words and forget all abt it alr,
so its time to go bed then.

GDBYE readers (:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

i had e worst day of my life man!
already fall sick (cough) since tue, out of no way,
super bad headach,
ystd got diarrhoea, cos dono eat wat wrong food,
but e worst is 2day my stupid mense come and join in too!
so its like all the sickness come join in tgt & i struggle the whole afternoon till i mad.
was sweating like mad out of no reason and cos of e stomach pain that after taking a pandol, it has no effect too! that neither sitting down is comfortable or lying on e bed, that e pain is so bad that i couldnt control to burst to screaming in my pillow few times too.
so i didnt eat/couldnt eat from all e way after i wake up in e noon, and all e way till super late afternoon then i mange to fall alsp with e pain and only wake up at 8pm, feeling little better to have a bath then had a cup of hot milo and some biscuit & eventually hurry start doing work cos too much time is wasted alr.
but thank GOD mon is off, otherwise i will never going to do any of my work, with this kind of health condition i had now ):

so everyone pls take care of your own health & rest well too! cos its not good to fall sick at this period!
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hi people,
im off to Indonesia for this weekend till mon nit,
to attend my cousin wedding!
time just pass so fast,
that time i was excited to go, but not now cos its like assig rushing period and weekend is super precious time to do work too,
but anw, tickets are booked, so as e hotel.

but i hope that the dress my mum self bought for me from taiwan is good and im able to fit in and so on. really hope, otherwise i think i will just end up to have argument with my mum (if i don like it& doesnt want to wear it) or wearing bk my old dress which had been wore on these kind of family event for at least 3 times alr! hahax.

and i hope im able to use internet there otherwise its really like nothing for me to do,
otherthen eating, entertaining people & more eating then. haahhx.

so off to bed, GDBYE people.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

im feeling super super tired and unhappy and pissed off just be4 i left school 2day.
shall not mention who,what happen or watsoever here, but when i got the time, im so going to post up my previous post! so that %$£@ can start thinking too!

anw, booking studio is starting to be worst then going for a war!
i reached at 620 or 630am 2day with sam and there are alr 6 people Queuing outside! lOL!
when the actual timing for studio booking is 830am can!
those year 2s are really more crazy then us and this is really going so so bad and crazy!
but i hope its just 2day, as other days wasnt that bad still. so here is the msg to all the year 2, pls stop pushing the timing earlier and earlier! cos its really so early that i think 1 day we all can just camp outside comtec when it close and wait till the next morning it open lol!

and im super super super tired now, but still got to do my drums first,
cos tmrl is recording, and yet i haven sent to peiyun the final one yet.
so im off to do POD now then. BYE.
Friday, July 17, 2009


finally met up with michelle and tanu e other day cos they finally came to my house, after like 1/1/2 yr since i move to outram area? hahahx, cos michelle drive thaty they finally come to my house to visit me too but its really really great to see both of them, esp michelle cos time pass really so fast that i have not see her for half a yr already too!
thus, seeing them is really really great and happy.
although its really a short time spent at my house, eating & chit chat & playing wil, but time past so fast yet meaningful! (:
so i shall let the picture continue e post then.

(tanu trying to light up the candle for me,but she told me that just now was too rush& last min alr so can only get this, dono wat to buy 4me, but this slice is her fav lolx! haxi! wat a friend i have rit! hahax)

(ended up i only have the strawberry only lolx)

(michelle wants to be taller then me! hahax)

(the 2 coolest gals!)

(i feel michelle is really dam cool when she drive, cos partly i still cant belive she can drive now alr! & we have know each other since pri 5 till now!like such a long time! & now we have grown up & she is driving me! hahahx& she is like only 18++,not yet 19 alr got her license alr & waiting for HER CAR to arrive next week lol! super lucky & fortunate gal! )
but so sad she say i move house, otherwise she will love to drive me anywhere! cos she say my house is too far from hers ):
(the end)
(seeing all these picture, reminded me of smt that vick told me be4, a person will/ is pretty when u smile from the heart & my smiles that day were all deeply from my heart thanks to my dearest!s & its LOVE! )

and below was another day spend, dinner at town & e food is good! (:
and i got this super BIG BOX of present! *purposely* to make me carry it around! to attract attention only!
thanks ay! make me the centre of attraction that nit!

(very nice views)

(my eyes will only big at this moment? hahax)

(lastly, we went to tcc to have some dessert,
we were very funny cos we took bus all e way to PS where orchard also have tcc,
tcc wasnt in the plan first,
but i think we make a good choice cos we met a nice waitress! hahax,
she is so friendly& funny,
after taking our orders, dono how she know or MUST BE E BOX TOO BIG beside me,
she asked me if it was my bday 2day,
but actually i wanted to tell her no, its ystd,
but she go prepare a candle & even lighter just for me, to put on my tiramisu cake! (although she say abit hard to put on it) but so sweet of her la! (:
and here goes finally to make a proper wish & nice desserts! (:
and the picture i like the most of the day! :)

so its really a great day spend although its just dinner,
but nice& special thought of the gift to make it diff,
cos without the box, it will be just even an ordinary soft toy that i have to carry it around when i receive it? or e wrapper lol,
this way did fill me with some anticipation and surprise (:

but thanks for arranging this meal with me some time back alr & u the only one! (:
to make me feel that little special on e special day! (((:
thank u my bestties! (:

but of cos, thank u all e people who msg me, or call me, or through fb or anywhere just to wish me, THANK U!
when u wish with heart, defintely i will felt it & i deeply appreciated too! (: